International Patient Summary Implementation Guide
1.1.0 - STU 1 Update 1 International flag

This page is part of the International Patient Summary Implementation Guide (v1.1.0: STU 1) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

IPS Server Capability Statement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the IPS Server actor which is responsible for providing responses to the queries submitted for IPS documents. The list of FHIR profiles and operations supported by IPS Servers are defined.

Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

IPS Summary

This operation is used to return a patient summary using the IPS profile.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Allergy Intolerance (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the AllergyIntolerance resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide. A record of an allergy or intolerance is represented in the patient summary as an instance of an AllergyIntolerance resource constrained by this profile. It documents the relevant allergies or intolerances (conditions) for a patient, describing the kind of reaction (e.g. rash, anaphylaxis,..); preferably the agents that cause it; and optionally the criticality and the certainty of the allergy.

Bundle - IPS

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Bundle resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide.

Composition (IPS)

Clinical document used to represent the International Patient Summary (IPS) data set. An International Patient Summary (IPS) document is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information about a subject of care. The IPS dataset is minimal and non-exhaustive; specialty-agnostic and condition-independent; but still clinically relevant. As specified in EN 17269 and ISO 27269, it is designed for supporting the use case scenario for ‘unplanned, cross border care’, but it is not limited to it. It is intended to be international, i.e., to provide generic solutions for global application beyond a particular region or country. This profile is based on the ClinicalDocument profile.

Condition (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Condition resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide. A record of a problem is represented in the patient summary as an instance of the Condition resource constrained by this profile.

Device - performer, observer

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Device resource by the IPS project, which specifies an international patient summary based on the FHIR standard R4.; This profile describes a device that plays the role of observer or performer.

Device (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Device resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide, based on FHIR R4. A device used by or implanted on the patient is described in the patient summary as an instance of a Device resource constrained by this profile.

Device Use Statement (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the DeviceUseStatement resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide, based on FHIR R4. A statement about a device used by or implanted on the patient is described in the patient summary as an instance of a DeviceUseStatement resource constrained by this profile.

DiagnosticReport (IPS)

This profile constrains the DiagnosticReport resource to represent diagnostic test and procedure reports in a patient summary.

Imaging Study (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the ImagingStudy resource by the IPS project, which specifies the information on a DICOM imaging study this imaging result is part of.

Immunization (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Immunization resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide. A record of an immunization is represented in the patient summary as an instance of an Immunization resource constrained by this profile. It describes the event of a patient being administered a vaccination or a record of a vaccination as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party.

Media observation (Results: laboratory, media)

This profile constrains the Media resource (which is a specialized observation).

Medication (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Medication resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide, based on FHIR R4. A medication is described in the patient summary as an instance of a Medication resource constrained by this profile.

Medication Request (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the MedicationRequest resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide, based on FHIR R4. A record of a medication request is represented in the patient summary as an instance of a MedicationRequest resource constrained by this profile.

Medication Statement (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the MedicationStatement resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide, based on FHIR R4. A record of a medication statement is represented in the patient summary as an instance of a MedicationStatement resource constrained by this profile.

Observation - SH: alcohol use

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent alcohol use assessment in a patient summary.

Observation - Pregnancy: EDD

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent the pregnancy expected delivery date.

Observation - Pregnancy: outcome

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent the history of pregnancy outcomes (summary).

Observation - Pregnancy: status

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent the pregnancy status.

Observation Results: laboratory (IPS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent results produced by laboratory tests or panels/studies in a patient summary. This observation may represent the result of a simple laboratory test such as hematocrit or it may group the set of results produced by a multi-test study or panel such as a complete blood count, a dynamic function test, a urine specimen study. In the latter case, the observation carries the overall conclusion of the study and or a global interpretation by the producer of the study, in the comment element; and references the atomic results of the study as “has-member” child observations.

Observation Results: pathology (IPS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent results produced by pathology studies in a patient summary.

Observation Results: radiology (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Observation resource by the IPS project, which specifies a radiology observation for the international patient summary based on the FHIR standard R4. This observation may represent the conclusions of a diagnostic procedure such a Chest RX, or it may group the set of results produced by that single or multi-modality procedure. In the latter case, the main observation (this one) carries the overall conclusion of the study and/or a global interpretation by the observer of the study as value of this observation; and may references the atomic results of the study as “child observations”. It allows also providing details about the related study using the partOf element referring to an ImagingStudy resource.

Observation Results (IPS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent various types of results and associated observations in a patient summary. This is the base profile from which the other results profiles are derived.

Observation - SH: tobacco use

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent Tobacco use assessment in a patient summary.

Organization (IPS)

This profile constrains the Organization resource to represent an organization that acts as performer or observer for a result observation (laboratory, pathology or imaging), or as performer for a procedure.

Patient (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Patient resource by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide and describes the minimum expectations for the Patient resource when used in the IPS composition or in one of the referred resources.

Practitioner (IPS)

This profile constrains the practitioner resource to represent a practitioner acting as observer for these imaging results.

PractitionerRole (IPS)

This profile constrains the PractitionerRole resource to represent a practitioner acting as observer for observation results for a specified organization.

Procedure (IPS)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Procedure resource by the IPS project, which specifies an entry of the History of Procedure for the international patient summary based on the FHIR standard R4.

Specimen (IPS)

This profile constrains the Specimen resource to represent the characteristics of a biological specimens in the context of laboratory results integrated to a patient summary.

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Codeable Concept (IPS)

This profile represents the constraint applied to the CodeableConcept data type by the International Patient Summary (IPS) FHIR Implementation Guide to use the Coding-uv-ips data type profile.

Coding with translations

This profile extends the capabilities of the coding data type to support multi-language designations (display). It relies on the Translation extension.

Quantity (IPS)

Data type Quantity constrained to use UCUM as the code system for units

Range (IPS)

Range constrained to UCUM as the code system for units.

Ratio (IPS)

Ratio data type, constrained to use UCUM as the code system for units.

SimpleQuantity (IPS)

Data type profile SimpleQuantity constrained to use UCUM as the code system for units

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Allergy abatement date

Extension defined by the IPS project to describe the abatement date for allergies

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Absent or Unknown Allergies - IPS

Absent or Unknown Allergies

Absent or Unknown Devices - IPS

Absent or Unknown Devices

Absent or Unknown Immunization - IPS

Absent or Unknown Immunization

Absent or Unknown Medication - IPS

Absent or Unknown Medication

Absent or Unknown Problems - IPS

Absent or Unknown Problems

Absent or Unknown Procedures - IPS

Absent or Unknown Procedures

Allergy Intolerance - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes for allergy or intolerance findings from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: all descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|; all descendants of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|; all descendants of 418038007 |Propensity to adverse reactions to substance (finding)|.

Allergy Intolerance Substance Condition - IPS

IPS Allergy intolerance substance condition value set. This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|; all descendants of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|; all descendants of 418038007 |Propensity to adverse reactions to substance (finding)|

Allergy Intolerance - IPS

IPS Allergy intolerance codes value set. This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|; all descendants of 105590001 |Substance (substance)|; all descendants of 418038007 |Propensity to adverse reactions to substance (finding)| plus codes for absent and unknown allergies.

Allergy Reaction - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

IPS allergy reaction value set. This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that may be used to represent allergy or intolerance reactions.

Body Site - IPS

IPS body site value set. This value set includes a set of codes from SNOMED CT that may be used to represent body sites (e.g., for laboratory specimen collection).

Problem Severity - IPS

Problem Severity. The condition-severity value set from the base Condition resource is now the preferred binding for IPS. This value set of LOINC answer codes is retained as an additional binding for backward compatibility with the prior IPS release.

Current Smoking Status - IPS

HL7 LOINC value set for smoking status. Based on the HL7 Vocab and Structured Doc WG (formerly TC) consensus - per US CDC submission 7/12/2012 for smoking status terms.

Pregnancy Expected Delivery Date Method - IPS

IPS Expected Delivery Date Method

Healthcare Professional Roles - IPS

IPS Healthcare Professional Roles

Medical Devices - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) that are included in: all descendants of 49062001 |Device (physical object)|, plus IPS codes for absent/unknown devices.

Medical Devices - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: descendants of 49062001 |Device (physical object)|.

Medical Devices (SNOMED CT) - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 49062001 |Device (physical object)|.

Medications - example (IPS)

This value set provides an example of possible medication coded concepts. This value set will be removed in a future release and has been replaced with medication-snomed-uv-ips.

Medications - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown (IPS)

This value set includes the codes from SNOMED CT that are included in: descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|, excluding the descendants of 787859002 |Vaccine product (medicinal product)|, plus IPS codes for absent/unknown medications.

Medications - SNOMED CT (IPS)

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| excluding the descendants of 787859002 |Vaccine product (medicinal product)|.

Medications - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: descendants of 373873005 |Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)| excluding the descendants of 787859002 |Vaccine product (medicinal product)|.

Medicine Active Substances - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 410942007 | Drug or medicament (substance)|.
Future implementations should consider ISO 11238 Health informatics – Identification of medicinal products – Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances.

Medicine Doseform - IPS

EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare) Dose Form codes. This Value Set includes all the EDQM Standard Terms having:
[Concept Status] = ‘Current’ AND
[Concept Class] IN (‘PDF’, ‘CMT’, ‘CDF’, ‘PFT’) AND
[Domain] = ‘Human and Veterinary’

PDF = ‘Pharmaceutical dose form’; CMT = ‘Combined terms’; CDF = ‘Combined pharmaceutical dose form’; PFT = ‘Patient Friendly’

Medicine Route of Administration - IPS

EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare) Route of Administration codes. This Value Set includes all the EDQM Standard Terms having:
[Concept Status] = ‘Current’ AND
[Concept Class] = ‘ROA’ AND
[Domain] = ‘Human and Veterinary’

ROA = ‘Route of administration’

Personal Relationship - IPS [Deprecated]

The Value Set is used (optionally) to code the type of contact relationship between a person and the patient. This value set has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It has been replaced with PersonalRelationshipRoleType

Pregnancies Summary - IPS

IPS Pregnancies Summary

Pregnancy Status - IPS

IPS Pregnancy Status

Problem Type (LOINC)

This value set indicates the level of medical judgment used to determine the existence of a problem.

Problem Type - IPS

This value set provides a category for the condition as a clinical problem for inclusion in the patient summary.

Problems - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: descendants of 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding) |, descendants of 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)| and descendants of 272379006 |Event (event)| but excludes descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|, as they are expected to be represented separately in the History of Procedures Section.

Problems - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: descendants of 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding) |, descendants of 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)| and descendants of 272379006 |Event (event)|. The descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| (which were included in the CORE problem list) are not included, as they are expected to be represented separately in the History of Procedures Section.

Problems (SNOMED CT) - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: descendants of 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding) |, descendants of 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)| and descendants of 272379006 |Event (event)|. The descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| (which were included in the CORE problem list) are not included, as they are expected to be represented separately in the History of Procedures Section.

Procedures - SNOMED CT + Absent/Unknown - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|, excluding [all subtypes of 14734007 |Administrative procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 59524001 |Blood bank procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 389067005 |Community health procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 442006003 |Determination of information related to transfusion (procedure)|, all subtypes of 225288009 |Environmental care procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 308335008 |Patient encounter procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 710135002 |Promotion (procedure)|, all subtypes of 389084004 |Staff related procedure (procedure)|], plus IPS codes for absent/unknown procedures.

Procedures - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|, but excludes descendants of 14734007 |Administrative procedure (procedure)|, 59524001 |Blood bank procedure (procedure)|, 389067005 |Community health procedure (procedure)|, 442006003 |Determination of information related to transfusion (procedure)|, 225288009 |Environmental care procedure (procedure)|, 308335008 |Patient encounter procedure (procedure)|, 710135002 |Promotion (procedure)|, and 389084004 |Staff related procedure (procedure)|.

Procedures (SNOMED CT) - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: descendants of 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|, excluding [all subtypes of 14734007 |Administrative procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 59524001 |Blood bank procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 389067005 |Community health procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 442006003 |Determination of information related to transfusion (procedure)|, all subtypes of 225288009 |Environmental care procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 308335008 |Patient encounter procedure (procedure)|, all subtypes of 710135002 |Promotion (procedure)|, all subtypes of 389084004 |Staff related procedure (procedure)|].

Results Radiology Measurement Observation (SNOMED-DICOM) - IPS

Extensible value set including SNOMED CT and DICOM concepts for Linear, Area and Volume Measurements

Results Blood Group - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes for blood group findings from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

Results Blood Group - IPS

Blood group [Type]

Results Coded Values Laboratory - IPS

This value set is defined as the union of: (a) Blood group [Type]; (b) Presence/Absence Indicators (2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.52) (c) Microorganisms (2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.49)

Results Coded Values Pathology - IPS

This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) that are included in: all descendants of 106253005 |Histologic grading differentiation AND/OR behavior (qualifier value)|, all descendants of 373369003 |Finding of histologic grading differentiation AND/OR behavior (finding)|, all descendants of 399981008 |Neoplasm and/or hamartoma (disorder)|.

Results Laboratory Observation - IPS


Results Microorganism - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes for microorganisms from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

Results Microorganism - IPS

This is a value set of the SNOMED CT microorganism concepts for use in the Results section observation values.

Results Pathology Observation - IPS

Value Set Definition:


Results Presence Absence - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes for presence and absence findings (qualifier values) from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

Results Presence/Absence - IPS

Presence/Absence value set

Results Radiology Observation - IPS

Value Set Definition: LOINC {CLASS in {RAD}}

Results Radiology Textual Observations (SNOMED-DICOM-LOINC) - IPS

IPS Results Radiology Textual Observations

Results Specimen Collection Method - IPS

IPS Specimen Collection Method

Results Specimen Type - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: all descendants of 123038009 |Specimen (specimen)|.

Results Specimen Type - IPS

IPS Specimen Type value set. This value set includes a set of codes from SNOMED CT that may be used to represent specimen types.

Vaccine Target Diseases - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) describing Vaccine Target Diseases.

Vaccine Target Diseases - IPS

This value set includes the codes from SNOMED CT describing Vaccine Target Diseases.

Target Site - IPS
This value set includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 442083009 Anatomical or acquired body structure (body structure) .
Vaccine Target Diseases - IPS [Deprecated]

This value set includes the codes from SNOMED CT describing Vaccine Target Diseases. To follow a consistent value set naming pattern, this value set has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It has been replaced with target-diseases-uv-ips

Vaccines - SNOMED CT IPS Free Set

This value set includes the codes from the SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) subset of SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set) that are included in: all descendants of 71181003 |Product containing vaccine (product)|.

Vaccines - IPS

This value set provides a list of types of vaccine, plus IPS codes for absent/unknown immunizations. It includes codes from SNOMED Clinical Terms®: all descendants of 787859002 |Vaccine product (product)|.

Vaccines WHO ATC - IPS

World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system. Note: The currently implemented code system and the value set expansion contain only a set of example ATC codes, not the complete code system content.


World Health Organization Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system. Note: The currently implemented code system and the value set expansion contain only a set of example ATC codes, not the complete code system content.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Absent and Unknown Data - IPS

International Patient Summary (IPS) codes for “known absent” and “not known” data.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

Absence of Information Mappings - IPS to SNOMED CT

Absence of Information Mappings - IPS to SNOMED CT

Pregnancy Status Value Set Mappings - LOINC to SNOMED CT

Pregnancy Status: LOINC Answers to SNOMED CT concepts. This is an informative map and may be subject to future change.

Smoking Status Value Set Mappings - LOINC to SNOMED CT

Smoking Status: LOINC Answers to SNOMED CT concepts. Note that concepts in this map include SNOMED concepts from US Edition. This is an informative map and may be subject to future change.

Severity Value Set Mappings - SNOMED CT to FHIR

Severity Value Set Mappings - SNOMED CT to FHIR

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

IPS Bundle example

IPS Bundle example

IPS Bundle example with Immunization

IPS Bundle example with Immunization section

IPS Bundle example - no information in required sections

IPS Bundle example - no information in required sections

IPS Bundle example - minimal

IPS Bundle example - minimal

IPS Composition example - minimal

IPS Composition example - minimal

Medication : Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet

Medication : Simvastatin 40 MG Disintegrating Oral Tablet

MedicationStatement: on-going Simvastatin treatment

MedicationStatement: on-going Simvastatin treatment

MedicationRequest: Simvastatin request

MedicationRequest: Simvastatin request

Immunization: Vaccin anti diphtérie-coqueluche-tétanos-poliomyélite (Luxembourg)

Immunization: Vaccin anti diphtérie-coqueluche-tétanos-poliomyélite (Luxembourg)

AllergyIntolerance: No known allergies

AllergyIntolerance: No known allergies

AllergyIntolerance: resolved allergy

AllergyIntolerance: resolved allergy

AllergyIntolerance: multiple codings

AllergyIntolerance: multiple codings

Condition: Acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall

Condition: Acute myocardial infarction of anterior wall

Procedure: Surgical procedure

Procedure: Surgical procedure

Practitioner example

Practitioner example

PractitionerRole: simple example

Very Simple PractitionerRole example

Patient: male patient

Patient: male patient

Patient: minimal example

Patient: minimal example

Patient: female patient

Patient: female patient

DeviceUseStatement: No known devices in use

DeviceUseStatement: No known devices in use

Device: No known devices in use

Device: No known devices in use

Device: device observer example

Device: device observer example

Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV

Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV

Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV, sub-observations

Observation: imaging CT Abdomen W contrast IV,sub-observations

ImagingStudy: referred DICOM study

ImagingStudy: referred DICOM study

Organization: example

Organization: example

Organization: simple example

Very Simple Organization example

Organization: lab example

Best Hospital Lab Organization example

Observation: pregnancy edd example

Observation: pregnancy edd example

Observation: pregnancy status example

Observation: pregnancy status example

Observation: pregnancy outcome example

Observation: pregnancy outcome example

Observation: SH tobacco use example

Observation: SH tobacco use example

Observation: SH alcohol use example

Observation: SH alcohol use example

Specimen: example

Specimen: example

Observation: serum creatinine example

Observation: serum creatinine example

Observation: hemoglobin example

Observation: hemoglobin example

Observation: urine wbc range example

Observation: urine wbc range example

Observation: estrogen receptor in tissue example

Observation: estrogen receptor in tissue example

DiagnosticReport: hemoglobin example

DiagnosticReport: hemoglobin example

Media: example

Media: example